Dev C++ Netinet In H
May 19, 2011 C Beginner's Tutorial: Create Your Own Header Files using Visual Studio - Duration: 15:49. Professor Hank Stalica 14,263 views. Dev-C can also be used in combination with Cygwin and this is what you need to do if you want to use unix-like libraries and headers. Cygwin relies on a Unix emulation layer, code compiled with Cygwin uses the standard GNU runtime library (glibc) with an emulation of Unix system calls like fork. Header files in dev-C. Ask Question Asked 11 years ago. Active 2 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 64k times 3. I'm trying to add an header file to dev-C but when I compile it it doesn't work. Here are my exact steps (for my example, I'm trying to get mysql.h to work): copy 'mysql.h' into c:dev-cincludes.
- Dec 26, 2013 fcntl is a general purpose function for manipulating file i/o. You'll need to determine exactly which manipulation is being done, determine MS Windows equivalents, and come up with a.
- I have a client program which sends integers (or strings or double) using UDP protocol from a C client to a java Server. The java server part is there and now our c client has hearder files defines for unix system (i think so), like this #includeh #includeh #includeh #includeh #includenetinet/in.h.
Hi everyone! I'm transferring my C program that I created from Linux to WindowsXP. I would like to know what I need to download/install in Windows in order to compile and successfully run the program? Also, will I need to change some parts of the source code? I used socket programming and MySQL for the C program. Thanks!
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- commentLatest Postby Ancient DragonLatest Post
Ancient Dragon5,243
Hopefully you will not need to make very many changes to the source code. MS-Windows uses winsock instead of berkley sockets, so you might want to skim through '>one of the tutorials to see what changes you may need to make.
As for MySql, I don't think you will have to change anything.
Dev C++ Netinet In H G
What you have to download and install on MS-Windows:
1. A compiler, such as Code::Blocks or VC++ 2010 Express, both are free. Both compilers come with everything you need to write your socket program(s).
Dev C++ Netinet/in.h
2. MySQL server so that you get access to the header files and libraries.
Dev C++ Netinet/in.h No Such File Or Directory